فارسی عربي


19 countries to vie at Cinema Verite

The 11th edition of the Cinema Verite, Iran’s major international festival for documentary cinema, has revealed 26 titles from 19 countries to compete in its various international categories.

Eight documentaries have been selected for the full-length section, the organizers announced on Saturday.

Notable among them are ‘69 Minutes of 86 Days’ by Egil Haaskjold Larsen from Norway, ‘Moo Ya’ by Filippo Ticozzi and ‘Every Soul of My Body’ by Erika Rossi from Italy, as well as ‘I Want To Go Home’ by Wesley Leon Aroozoo from Singapore.

The selection committee has also picked eight films for the mid-length category.

Famous among them are ‘The Forest of Love’ by Alejandro G. Salgado from Spain, ‘I Heard the Birch Tree Whisper in the Night’ by Kenneth Harvey from Canada, ‘Valentina’ by Maximilian Feldmann from Germany and ‘Faber Navalis’ by Maurizio Borriello from Italy.

More important titles among the 10 selected short documentaries are ‘War and Cheese’ by Ben Garfield from England, ‘February’ by Marlena Molitor from Germany, ‘Collection’ by Marcin Polar from Poland and ‘One Day in Aleppo’ by Ali Alibrahim from Syria.

The 11th edition of the Cinema Verite is aimed at protecting the nation's identity, promoting creative documentary and reinforcing the link between documentary cinema and social facts and events.

The fest also strives to introduce new global developments in documentary cinema, provide financial support for documentarians by distributing and screening their works in other festivals as well as breaking down barriers to film production.

The 11th Cinema Verite is slated for December 10-17, 2017 in the Iranian capital city of Tehran.

